On January 25th, 2025, a rare planetary alignment will grace the night sky, with six planets visible at once. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn can be seen with the naked eye, while Uranus and Neptune will require a telescope.
This “planetary parade” offers a unique opportunity for stargazers and spiritual seekers alike to observe multiple planets in close proximity, starting around January 20th, with a peak on January 25th.
But the real question is: while the world is looking up, where are you truly aligned?
At this moment, the collective is heavily focused on manifesting all kinds of 3D desires—goals that often deepen our entanglement in the matrix field. Yet this rare celestial event provides an opportunity to shift our focus—not toward the stars or material wish lists, but inward. Beyond the hype of planetary parades and cosmic spectacles lies the most significant alignment: the one with your Essence.
In this session, on Sunday the 26th of January, I’ll introduce you to a unique technique I’ve recently discovered. By connecting with your Essence outside of yourself, who is directly connected to Creator Source, you can create a deeper, more profound connection to it. Imagine seeing yourself as an avatar in a holographic video game—this perspective helps you detach from the “reality” you’ve been conditioned to believe in. By stepping outside the matrix, you can connect to your true Essence and begin creating without being pulled into the illusions of the external world.
Join this meditation to cut through the noise, recalibrate your inner compass, and establish a connection that truly matters—not with distant planets, but with your deepest self, your Essence and thus to your Creator Source.
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